The Acrylic Peacock Painting
I used one canvas for this painting. For the texture I used Resin Sand and painted it on the whole canvas and used the Gloss Super Heavy Gel for the body of the Peacock and for the circles.
The colors I used were Iridescent Bronze(Golden brand), Winsor Violet(Winsor & Newton brand), Brilliant Blue(Liquitex brand), Permanent Rose(Winsor & Newton), Mixing White(Winsor & Newton), Silver(Basics brand), Parchment(Artist's Loft brand).
Like I mentioned before I used the Sand Resin painted it all over the canvas then the gel paste for the body of the Peacock with a small brush. After I made the body of the Peacock I used the other end of a brush and made lines threw the sand to make it look like feather's. Then I took the Gel and made the circles for the colorful part of the feather's.
Do smaller circles closer to the body and bigger as they go out to give the illusion of the feathers going out.
After the gel was dry I started painting the body but took Brilliant Blue and Mixing white and made a light blue and put it in the corner of the body then started mixing the Silver in and then the silver in the middle then mixed theViolet with Mixing White and Silver and move up. Take the Iridescent Bronze and went in the outside of the head and the top. For the circles use the same color and go around the outside and take Brilliant Blue and fill in the rest of the circle's.
&& all finished!!
Love, JoyLeigh
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